As a Community Foundation, we believe that charitable giving can make a significant impact on the community. Our mission is to grow charitable giving throughout Coronado.
And it all begins with listening. The Foundation connects with nonprofit organizations, the business community, city government and donors to learn about local needs and where there are funding gaps in meeting those needs.
Then, we bring people together. We discuss issues from every perspective to find innovative ways to address them.
Finally, we collaborate. How can we work together to best meet local needs? Who should be involved? How much funding is needed? From these questions, come action plans and our marching orders.
The Coronado Community Foundation works to grow charitable giving to address the issues that the community identifies as priorities.
Community foundations play a key role in identifying and solving community problems. There are almost 800 community foundations across the country. These foundations are tax exempt nonprofit organizations that work to improve the quality of life in their local communities.
The Coronado Community Foundation focuses on:
Maximizing charitable giving
by offering tax-advantaged ways to give including appreciated stock and real estate. These can be turned into charitable funds that you can give to the causes you care about.
Supporting local giving
by spotlighting the programs and initiatives of nonprofits serving the Coronado community.
Leveraging the impact of giving
by individuals, families and businesses by developing collaborations between donors and nonprofit organizations.
The nonprofit community has a lot to do with the quality of life in and around Coronado. If you want to learn more about who they are and what they do, you can find them here on our website. You’re just a couple clicks away from discovering in-depth information about local nonprofits. We also support nonprofits by listing grant opportunities available to them. Coming soon!